Drug misuse and dependence - clinical guidelines

The unofficial home of the 'Orange Book'

This page provides a single point of access to all editions of the Orange Book: Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management, or its earlier incarnations.

Where the current, 'official', version is hosted on a government agency website, a simple link is provided.

Where the official version has been superseded or isn't readily available, a downloadable copy is provided (if available).

New/current edition

2017: Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management

Past editions

2007: Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management

1999: Drug misuse and dependence: guidelines on clinical management

1991: (to follow) Drug misuse and dependence: guidelines on clinical management

1984: Guidelines of good clinical practice in the treatment of drug misuse

About the page

This page is provided as a convenience by Steve Taylor, who served as secretariat to the 2007 and 2017 guidelines. It is unconnected with his past or current employers.